Spicy trout on grill

Ingredients: 1 trout piece about 250-300gr lemon juice smoked chicken 1/2 bay leafs salt and pepper to taste chopped dillbutter garlic potatoes Preparation: The eviscerated trout is washed and dried with a soft cloth. Rinse it with salt and pepper inside and out. Place the fillets inside the trout. Pour with lemon juice and add dill. We put in a film coated with a fat advance. Wrap tightly with foil as a package, previously greased with butter and then grill. Serve with stewed potatoes in butter and garlic. Goes excellently with beer or wine.
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Almond trout

Products: one trout cream HOPLA 200gr.a piece of President melted cheese cheese Rokfor 20-30gr. 50-60gr. grinded almondsjuice from one lemon Preparation: Wash the cleaned trout, debone it and flavor with lemon and salt. Put the fish on a medium grill until it roasts. During this time in a pan, pour the cream and when it boils it, add the Rokfor cheese, melted cheese and almonds. When the sauce thickens remove from heat, pour the already ready trout and  decorate it with a sprig of parsley and our fish is ready for consumption. Enjoy. P.S. For garnish, we recommend steamed with butter and dill fresh potatoes (if possible tiny).
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Fried trout

Products: 3-4 trout fish pieces or fillets flourbutter 1/4 package 2 tablespoons oil lemon a bunch of parsley fish spice Preparation: Clean and wash the trout and sprinkle them with spices. Roll nicely in cornmeal and fry in equal amounts of butter and oil. Separately, in another dish stir some more butter and add lemon juice and finely chopped parsley to it. Boil and stir constantly for 3-4 minutes. Pour the resulting sauce on the fish.
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Trout prepared on steam

Ingredients: 1 trout 2 cups of water parsley a bit of celery bay leaf lemon peel 1/4 butter package a little coriander salt and black pepper according to taste Preparation: Clean the fish carefully, salt it lightly and sprinkle with pepper. It remains for 20 minutes in a container with a well-fitted lid. We put fine-mesh which is suitable for making dishes of steam. Pour some water, about 2 - 3 fingers. In another dish we boil water with the parsley, celery, bay leaf and lemon peel. Put the fish on the grill, on top add the strained vegetables and a little light soy. Place the lid and leave it for 10 minutes. Carefully remove this affectionate creature in an elliptical dish and garnish with pieces of lemon. Melt the…
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